Friday, April 12, 2024

New Full Length Out Now!

So my long in the works 3rd full-length instrumental project was finally released today. I started work on it back in 2021 and unlike previous projects I had no deadline and no rules that I had to follow. It was a fun experience getting to release day and I hope those who check it out enjoy it. I probably won't do a tech review like for the previous releases, but if there is a sound or something else you want any information about just send me an e-mail.

I have no immediate plans for another full-length. If anything I'll do an occasional one off song whenever I have a musical itch to scratch. Instead, I'll be focusing on my musical development and expanded understanding of music and how it works.

Shifting Realities on Bandcamp

Monday, July 17, 2023

New Project and Another Album Update

Wow! Just saw that my last update was back in May of 2022. Since then I've completed work on the new full-length and will spend the next 1-2 months mixing it. I'm really happy with what I achieved and I am looking forward to sharing it. Stay tuned!

But wait! There's new music you can listen to right now. Recently I've been using my music as a way to stay engaged when I have time off. I've created a new YouTube channel that will feature these tunes. Each song is written and produced in a single day with an accompanying video. This past weekend I managed to produce a song on both Saturday and Sunday. I've posted them below. Thanks in advance if you check them out!

Sunday, May 1, 2022


Back in November I started working on my next release and the process has been slow going. This is my first release since being back at work full time and that has limited my ability to focus on creating music. I also didn't set a hard deadline for myself which is something I feel is important. Considering the current situation though I've just taken a take it as it goes kind of attitude. That said I'm really proud of what I've been developing. There's less synth and more organ, guitar, orchestral parts and percussive elements. It's a strange beast that is slowly fighting its way out of me. I look forward to sharing it when it's ready.

I'm also happy to say that all of my music is now pay what you want on Bandcamp. In order to see my music in your Bandcamp collection you'll need to spend at least a dollar on each release. If you opt to get it for free you'll be sent a link to download. 



Friday, June 11, 2021

Piano Electric

My new EP Piano Electric is now available to stream or purchase over at Bandcamp. For my previous releases I've done a post for each song but have decided to just do a single post for this one. 

After working with synth and organ on the last 2 projects I wanted to strip things down a bit and see what I could do with electric piano as the main focus. As I got started I set up a simple rule for myself: All songs would be arranged for only 5 players (Electric Piano, Electric Guitar, Kee Bass, Drums and a utility player). My workflow didn't change though. I wrote and worked up every idea on my guitar and modified it for each instrument as necessary. I still used LMMS as I've got a handle on it and really haven't seen a reason to move on from it yet.

For the electric piano and electric guitar parts I used the Lounge Lizard Session and Strum Session VSTs from AAS. Both sound great and had enough settings to dial in the sound I was looking for. That said, I was able to use presets for all of the electric piano parts.

The bass parts were executed via the excellent and free Martinic Kee Bass. The Kee Bass is a faithful recreation of the monophonic string bass simulator the Rheem Kee Bass and it sounds great! To really hear it work listen to the break in track 3 "Moonlight".

The drums sound a bit different on this release and that is because I was using a whole new collection of samples in the sequencer. I'd used the excellent Synare From Mars on Six Feet Under The Underground (used here as well on the closing track "Dance Your Death") and I was thrilled to be able to use their Wendel From Mars for my kick drum, snare and tom sounds. I rounded out those sounds with a variety of cymbals courtesy of Drum Werks

I also utilized a few other VSTs : You'll hear bongos on track 1 "3 O'clock in the Morning" and Xylophone and Cloudrum on "Moonlight". 

Effects use was limited to the Acon Digital Verberate Basic reverb, (listen for it most effectively on the snare in the section just before the break in track 2 "Hot Ham & Cheese") and the Blindfold EQ.

The only effect on the mix bus this time was the LoudMax  which I used to keep things consistent.

Final edits and output to FLAC were done in Audacity.

I hope you enjoy the EP and if you have a favorite track please let me know!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Six Feet Under The Underground: Track 8 - I'll Take the Moon

"I'll Take the Moon" was written and produced early in the process of putting together Six Feet Under The Underground but saw some work towards the end of the process as well. Notable work done was updating the bass line and adding a guitar track via the Strum Session 2 VST from AAS. The Strum Session was an interesting plugin for me as guitar is my primary instrument. Capturing ideas and creating the parts as quickly as Strum Session 2 allows was pretty cool. Recording guitar is a bit of a chore for me so getting a sound I was satisfied with that also matched my skill set on the instrument opened me up to using it much more in the future.

The song is really built around the Mr Ray electric piano riff though. Like most it was written on the guitar and I noticed a Rolling Stones feel right away. The HaNon B70 is here as well and remains one of my favorite plugins.

New to the mix is the Minimogue VA which is heard throughout the song and most notably during the lead break. I really enjoyed using this Minimoog inspired plugin and it surely added a unique sound to the track.

At the end you can hear the Redtron _SE Mellotron VST and I really love what it can add to a track. Look to hear it much more of it in my future releases.

That brings us to the end of the album and I hope you enjoyed it.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Six Feet Under The Underground: Track 7 - The Fall


 "The Fall" is the start of the end of the album and a piece I'm really proud of. The normal sounds are here (MrRay22 electric piano and HaNonB70 organ) as well as some new ones. The excellent Kee Bass from Martinic handles the low end and the melody line is produced via Artifake_labs Redtron_SE V1.5 Mellotron plugin. The drums were sequenced using samples from the Korg Mini Pops found at the excellent Drum Samples Archive. You'll also here the previously mentioned Synare From Mars as well.

Next time I'll take a look at "Release".

Monday, March 8, 2021

Six Feet Under The Underground: Track 6 - We Have The Machine

 "We Have The Machine" was written late summer 2020 and was intended for a different project that was going to be entirely synth-based. It occurred to me while putting Six Feet Under The Underground together though that it was perfect for the project. I stripped the synth bass away and went with the more organic sound you hear on the finished track. The SYNARE From Mars is back as well as the Clav-1. The drums are my first time use of the LinnDrum samples fed into my sequencer. Drum machine samples will occupy the next 2 tracks as well.

Next time I'll take a look at "The Fall".

Friday, February 26, 2021

Six Feet Under The Underground: Track 4 - The Dance


"The Dance" ended up much different than my original song sketches for it. As I was listening to the album in progress I realized "The Dance" sounded a lot like the song that was originally in the track 3 position. I modified "The Dance" (for the better) but still decided to save the original track 3 for another day.

In addition to the organ and electric piano I used the TAL-Noisemaker  for the first time which gives the opening groove a dreamy quality. This track is also a great showcase for the SYNARE From Mars which is responsible for any crazy sound you hear on the track.

Next time I'll explore "We Have The Machine".

Monday, February 15, 2021

Six Feet Under The Underground: Track 3 - One Way Any Way


"One Way Any Way" was the last song written for Six Feet Under The Underground replacing the song that was originally in the track 3 slot. That song sounded too much like track 4 so I ditched it and came up with this,

There are several new sounds used in this song. The rhythm track features tambourine and bongos. The tambourine track was built using samples provided by the Subtersonic Music Blog and the bongos are from the Varazuvi Bongos VST. You'll also hear the Ample Sound Cloud Drum during the break. The Spitfire Audio Peel Guitar from their excellent LABS VST can also be heard.

I'm proud of the production on this one and think it might be the best sounding drums I've had on a track yet. Like most of my drums the track was built in the LMMS sequencer using hits from Drum Werks

Next time I'll cover track 4 "The Dance".

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Six Feet Under The Underground: Track 2 - Welcome to The Underground

"Welcome to The Underground" is a fun track built off a basic groove. The bass riff is supported with electric guitar, the TAL U-NO-62 synth and the Topaz Productions Clav 1. The cherry on top is the cowbell which I found via Sweetwater's Ultimate Cowbell Shootout

Next time I'll explore track 3 "One Way Any Way".

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Six Feet Under The Underground: Track 1 - Carpenter's Gate

Just like I did for Catalina Rush I thought it would be fun to once again do a track by track breakdown for my new release Six Feet Under The Underground. Like Catalina Rush this one is also a concept album and although I don't think it really impacts the listening experience from a creative standpoint the concept is very important. It helps me come up with song titles and more importantly dictates the track order.


The first track "Carpenter's Gate" was written early in the songwriting process and was always the opening track. From an instrument standpoint I switched to a different electric piano on on the project. I wasn't entirely happy with the Sweetcase that I used on Catalina Rush and was thrilled to discover the Mr. Ray from GSI. It had been discontinued and replaced with an update by the time I found it but I really enjoyed the tones from the original. With some adjustments I was able to get some killer sounds out of it and it was fun discovering just the right sound settings to get the most impact for each song. The usual suspects show up on the rest of the track. I used Drum Werks samples in the sequencer for the drums and the excellent Ample Bass P Lite for bass. Of course the HaNon B70 is back and it continues to be one of my favorite VSTs.

I built the song around a riff I developed that has a Led Zeppelin feel to it and I'm pretty happy with the overall groove of the track. The melody line is the Mr. Ray with a wah effect which gives it a cool tone. It kind of reminded me of something you might hear in a John Carpenter movie and that's where the title comes from.

Next time I'll run through track 2 "Welcome to The Underground".


Sunday, January 31, 2021

Six Feet Under the Underground - Coming February 5th

I'm excited to share new music! Six Feet Under the Underground is another instrumental concept album. This one clocks in at 27 minutes and I approached it with no a "no rules" approach. You can stream or purchase via Bandcamp starting February 5th. I'll also most likely do a track by track here just like I did for Catalina Rush so stay tuned.

Monday, December 21, 2020

New Music on the Way

Mid December found me in a creative mood again so I'm happy to share that I've started work on a new album that will be released in mid February. It's another instrumental concept album and I have some great ideas worked up. Stay tuned.